Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Tuesday, 26 February 2019. PDF Print E-mail
Brasilia: Ambassador Lazic in talks with Vice-President of Brazil Mourao and President of the Federal Senate Alcolumbre
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altAmbassador of Serbia to Brazil Veljko Lazic met with Vice-President of Brazil Hamilton Mourao, on 20 February. The two collocutors underlined shared interest in further political dialogue on a high-level as well as in deepening the cooperation between Serbia and Brazil in all areas of mutual interest, particularly in the economic field.

Ambassador Lazic informed Vice-President of Brazil about the current stage in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and expressed gratitude for Brazil's principled support to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Serbia.


On 21 February, the Serbian Ambassador also met the newly elected President of the Federal Senate Davi Alcolumbre, who conveyed the readiness for promotion of the parliamentary and all other forms of cooperation. Ambassador Lazic took the opportunity, inter alia, to point to the perspective of investment in Serbia and possible joint participation of Serbia and Brazil on third markets.