Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Thursday, 31 January 2019. PDF Print E-mail
Paris: Video presentation of the Family Patron Saint Day ("Slava") for UNESCO delegations
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altThe Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Serbia to UNESCO organized on 31 January 2019 in its offices a video presentation on "Slava", inscribed by Serbia on the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Of the two videos, one was shot by the Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage of Serbia and the other depicting the celebration of St. George's Day ("Djurdjevdan") was taken from the Permanent Delegation's archive. As an important part of celebrations devoted to a Family Patron Saint's Day, the guests had an opportunity to taste the traditional food for this event prepared by the delegation. Danijela Filipovic from the Heritage Centre of Serbia joined an inter-active discussion with the guests via a video link.

In an effort to bring our cultural heritage closer to the international public, Serbia's delegation to the UNESCO has already hosted similar events, and in December 2018 presented Serbian folk circular dance (kolo) and a single-stringed instrument (gusle).