Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Saturday, 08 December 2018. PDF Print E-mail
Bern: Day at the Embassy dedicated to the anniversary of the end of WWI
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altFilm "Serbia in the Great War" and books "Serbs in Switzerland – students 1863-1918" and "Serbs in Switzerland 1914-1918" were presented at the Serbian Embassy in Bern on 30 November, in the context of marking the 100th anniversary since the end of WWI.

Documentary live action film analyses the role of Serbia in an analytical way, owing to the expertise of Serbian and foreign historians, giving an overview of the most important points in the Serbian history between 1914 and 1918 and the key battles Serbia fought.


Two studies carried out by Zivko Markovic about the renowned Serbs in Switzerland from 1863 to 1918 were financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the occasion of the anniversary of WWI. They are a work of tremendous importance, a result of the author's decades- long research and work which gives an invaluable insight into the links between Serbia and Switzerland and the cooperation between the two countries in the areas of education and culture back in the mid-19th century.


Ambassador Snezana Jankovic underlined that from this voluminous work we learned that a huge number of renowned Serbs and great figures received some of their education in Switzerland which provided contact with contemporary European, political, philosophical and literary trends in the mid-19th and early 20th centuries. Some of them were the likes of Jovan Ducic, Jovan Skerlic, Nikola Pasic, Svetozar Markovic, Slobodan Jovanovic and many others.


Reminding of the enormous sacrifice Serbia made in WWI by losing as much as a third of its entire population and over a half of its male population, Ambassador Jankovic, before the screening of the film, stressed that it was incumbent upon us all to preserve the memory of our ancestors' acts of heroism in the Great War, bearing in mind that their love for their homeland and their devotion still inspire us.