Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Thursday, 13 December 2018. PDF Print E-mail
Moscow: Event dedicated to Serbia held in Russian State Children's Library
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altOn 8 December, the event "Discovering countries – Serbia", which gathered children aged 3 to 12, was held at the Russian Public Children's Library, in cooperation with the Serbian Embassy.

This library is the world's biggest children's library and it has been running this project for several years now, with a view to introducing the young Russians to the cultures of other countries. In his opening remarks, Ambassador Slavenko Terzic talked about the importance of introducing young Russians to Serbia and familiarizing them with its natural beauties, culture, customs and achievements in various areas.


The children took part in an interactive presentation about Serbia in the form of questions and answers and accompanied by the most impressive photos portraying Serbia and its people. The programme included the performance of a few Serbian songs and reading of a Serbian fairy tale from a book edited and translated by the former Russian Ambassador to Serbia Valery Yegoshkin.


Association of Friendship between Serbia and Russia from Pancevo was presented, since they initiated a book exchange between the Russian Public Children's Library and City Library from Pancevo.