Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Thursday, 20 December 2018. PDF Print E-mail
Ottawa: Ambassador Papazoglu talks about the operation "Storm" and Nikola Tesla for "Esprit de Corps"
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altIn its December edition, the "Esprit de Corps" Magazine published a text by Serbian Ambassador Mihailo Papazoglu entitled "Would Nikola Tesla be a refugee in Canada today?"

The Ambassador posed this question in the text signed by him, stating the hypothesis of what would have happened had Nikola Tesla been born a few decades later and had he lived at the time of the exodus of Serbs from Croatia in 1995 when 250,000 of our compatriots were forced out.

Providing the information about the suffering of Serbs in the Croatian military operation "Storm", he also said that the same year Tesla's birth house in the village of Smiljan was burned down for the second time. It was set on fire for the first time in an operation by the Ustashi in 1941. Ambassador Papazoglu underlined that a large number of Serbs from Croatia found refuge in Canada and that even today they cannot return to their homes in Croatia, and that perhaps, given his education, Tesla would have made the same choice.