Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Wednesday, 21 November 2018. PDF Print E-mail
Helsinki: An exhibition of photographs of Serbian monasteries
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altThe exhibition entitled "In Divine Hand" by the Finnish photographer and a member of the Serbian-Finnish Association Saku Pasilahti was opened at the Embassy of Serbia in Helsinki, on November 13. Ten artistic photos of a large format were presented, depicting everyday life and spirituality of Serbian monasteries and churches in the territories of Serbia and Montenegro. The exhibition is open every day till the end of November, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The artist dedicated the exhibition to significant historical events marked this year, such as the centenary of World War I, in which Serbia lost 1.2 million people, and the celebration of 600 years since the founding of the Manasija Monastery. The fresco "Souls of the Righteous in Divine Hand" from the central dome of the main church of the Monastery inspired the artist for the title of the exhibition.


At the opening of the exhibition, Ambassador Sasa Obradovic spoke about the importance of the First World War for the Serbian people, the establishment of the Manasija Monastery and about the artist's opus dedicated to Serbian Orthodoxy.