Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Sunday, 16 December 2018. PDF Print E-mail
Ottawa: Ambassador Papazoglu – "Serbia and Canada as allies on the right side of history"
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altAmbassador of Serbia in Canada Mihailo Papazoglu held a lecture on 16 December 2018 on the subject "One hundred years since the First World War, Serbia and Canada as allies on the right side of history", in the Serbian center in Ottawa.

This is the first time that a lecture for our diaspora was delivered in Serbian. The Ambassador has already held lectures on the Great War and the Serbian-Canadian alliance in English at the universities in Ottawa, Toronto and Quebec. To mark 100th anniversary since the end of the war, two memorial plaques were placed on the City Hall in Ottawa to honor the first victim – a Serb and the last one – a Canadian as well as in honor of the first honorary consulate in Montreal.