Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Monday, 05 November 2018. PDF Print E-mail
Ankara: Investment opportunities in Serbia presented in the Chamber of Industry
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AnkaraAmbassador of Serbia to Turkey Zoran Markovic made a statement on 1 November in the Chamber of Industry of Ankara on topic "Investment and economic opportunities in Serbia". In the presence of 30 Turkish business representatives in the field of civil-engineering, electronics and IT sector, the Ambassador presented development parameters of our country as well as education level, language proficiency, economic benefits and other arguments showing why Serbia is a good investment destination.

The presentation was held as part of "Days of Serbia" event. In addition to our Ambassador, other speakers included Ismail Bozdemir from the Turkish Ministry of Commerce who spoke on topic "Business opportunities for Turkish companies in Serbia" as well as Enver Ali Kuleohlu, Assistant Director General of "Bioanalysis" company, whose presentation was entitled "Doing business in Serbia".