Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Tuesday, 04 December 2018. PDF Print E-mail
Berlin: An evening dedicated to Serbia at Il Kino cinema
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altAn evening devoted to Serbia was held at the "Il Kino" cinema, the main part of which was the screening of the Serbian film "Goat ears" (2017). Serbian Ambassador Dusan Crnogorcevic opened the event with a speech on the long tradition of Serbian film industry and its contribution to European and world film heritage. After the screening, the attendees of the event could enjoy Serbian specialties and a presentation of the tourist offer of Serbia.

The evening dedicated to Serbia was part of the Travelling Film Festival, organized by the public relations agency "Berlin Italian Communication", together with partners, including the Embassy of Serbia in Berlin. The Festival lasts for 5 days (28 November - 2 December), and every evening event will present the film creativity and cuisine of a country or region. Apart from Serbia, Croatia, UAE, Moldova and Sardinia also presented themselves to the Berlin audience this year.