Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Thursday, 29 November 2018. PDF Print E-mail
Istanbul: Premiere Screening of a Documentary about Belgrade
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altDocumentary film "Evliya Chelebi travels to Belgrade" which portrays the most significant cultural and historical landmarks of the Serbian capital premiered in Istanbul, in Deniz Museum, on 29 November. Half-an-hour-long travelogue forms part of the well-known series "Evliya Chelebi travelling the world", which was filmed this summer in Belgrade and will be broadcast on the National Radio and Television of Turkey next year. The series is based on the adventures of the travel writer who has a unique way of describing his experience linked to particular destination.

The event was opened with the introductory remarks by Serbian Ambassador Zoran Markovic, while the director of Tourism Organization of Belgrade Miodrag Popovic gave a presentation on Belgrade. Following the screening, a cocktail reception was given for the invitees who enjoyed Serbian food and a performance by the Belgrade-based saxophonist Aleksandar Sarovic, while in the second part of the Deniz museum a photo exhibition of Belgrade was displayed.


People from the world of tourism, culture, diplomacy, media and economy were among the numerous invitees.