Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Wednesday, 24 October 2018. PDF Print E-mail
Bratislava: Promotion of the book "A Boy from Peas" at the Serbian Embassy
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altPromotion of the book "A boy from Peas", written by Maria Djurickova and illustrated by the youngest representative of the school of naïve art from Vojvodina Miroslav Hrasko, was organized at the Serbian Embassy in Bratislava on 16 October.

Through singing, acting, painting and children's illustrations, puppeteer Barbora Krajc-Zamiskova and the pupils from the primary school in Dubova Street, presented the work which brought together artists from Serbia and Slovakia.

Among others, the following attended the book promotion: Ján Varšo, head of the Office for Slovaks living abroad, Mojmir Vrlik, honorary consul of the Republic of Serbia, Peter Tvrdoň, Director of Bibiana Gallery, Marian Potrok and Mihail Lorinc from the Civic Association Kiwanis, an international charity organization helping children, Pavel Babka, Director of the Naïve Art Gallery from Kovacica, illustrator Miroslav Hrasko, Pavol Balaz, an artist from Vojvodina and book editors Maria Stekova and Milica Matejkova.