Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Monday, 12 November 2018. PDF Print E-mail
Brasilia: Brazilians in Serbian national costumes
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altThe Serbian Embassy in Brazil took part in the Embassies' Fair, on 10 November, where it promoted the natural beauties of our country, its cultural handicraft and gastronomy. The Tourism Organization of Serbia and Ethnographic Museum provided their assistance to the Embassy of Serbia in making the presentation of our country in the best possible light, by delivering their promotional material.

Brazilians, as well as foreigners living in Brazil, could take photos in our folk costumes, learn more about natural beauties and tourist attractions, as well as get acquainted with our gastronomy, but also with our alphabet, and wear "Japanke" (Serbian traditional footwear) with motifs of "kilim" (the traditional flat tapestry-woven carpets) of Pirot. The participation of Serbia at the Embassies' Fair was covered by a number of media, such as the "Correio Braziliense" daily and the "Bakuri Brazil" portal, which promotes agriculture and industry.


The fair is traditionally held in the City Park of Brazil organized by the Group of spouses of the Heads of Missions. About 85 countries accredited in Brazil took part and estimates are that the Fair was visited by more than 20,000 visitors.

Almost all proceeds from the sold products were donated for charitable causes. The funds raised are intended to finance social projects in Brasilia and the Federal District, which include providing assistance to residents living in dump sites, in shantytowns, i.e. satellite settlements around Brasilia, to kindergartens and schools, and to women victims of sexual violence.