Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Sunday, 14 October 2018. PDF Print E-mail
Düsseldorf: Exhibition "Your place is our place - 50 years old unity"
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altThe exhibition "Your place is our place - 50 years old unity", organized by the Consulate General of Serbia on the occasion of the 50th anniversary since the signing of the Agreement on the Employment of the citizens of former Yugoslavia in the Federal Republic of Germany, was hosted in the City Hall, 8 to 22 October. The exhibition was opened by State Secretary for Diaspora of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ivica Tončev and Deputy Mayor of Düsseldorf Friedrich Koncen.

State Secretary Ivica Toncev recalled that Serbia has a very good cooperation with German federal provinces on all levels and that the signing of Agreement on Employment half a century ago was the beginning another successful co-existence. He said that the ascending line of the economic cooperation contributed to the improvement of bilateral relations and that a large number of German investors come from the North Rhine Westphalia, the province where the majority of citizens of our origin live. He estimated that the exhibition of photographs has a historical value and that the data from German institutions confirm that citizens coming from Serbia have successfully integrated into German society.


Consul General in Düsseldorf Branislava Perin Jaric addressed specifically the representatives of the Serbian Diaspora saying that this exhibition was dedicated to them. She thanked the Mayor of Düsseldorf for supporting the realization of this project and pointed out that the so-called " gastarbeiters'' are part of the history of both Serbia and the North Rhine Westphalia and Germany, and that, together with the Germans, the Greeks and the Turks, they made this province.


The opening was attended by representatives of the political, cultural and economic life of the German province of North Rhine-Westphalia and Serbia, the consulates of states from the territory of the former Yugoslavia and other members of the diplomatic corps, members of the Serbian diaspora and other guests.