Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Friday, 26 October 2018. PDF Print E-mail
Rome: Exhibition on the contribution of Serbia to Allied victory in WWI
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altExhibition "Serbia and Serbs from 1914 to 1918 in the archives of Serbia", was opened at the Embassy of Serbia in Rome, on 26 October, hosted by the Embassy of Serbia and the Archive of Serbia. It was inaugurated by Ambassador Goran Aleksic and Archive Director Miroslav Perisic.

In the year marking the centenary since the end of WWI, the exhibition was an opportunity for the Italian public to recall the contribution of Serbia to the Allied victory. Valuable documents were on display shedding a new light on the events on the eve of the declaration of war by the Austro-Hungarian Empire on the Kingdom of Serbia.

The reception hosted on the occasion of the exhibition opening was attended by the officials of the Foreign Ministry, officials of the City of Rome, MPs, armed forces, representatives of the diplomatic corps, public and cultural life and Serbian diaspora. Serbian artists who live and work in Italy have also performed music pieces at the event.