Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Sunday, 30 September 2018. PDF Print E-mail
Sens: An exhibition devoted to WWI alliance of Serbia and France
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altThe exhibition "Franco-Serbian friendship in World War I" sponsored by the Sumadija Sens Association opened on 29 September in the Yonne department, Sens, and will be on view until 7 October.

The exhibition consists of excerpts from French sources dating back to that period: newspaper articles, photographs, saved correspondence and other texts describing the heroism of our nation in French.

The exhibition was attended by representatives from the local authorities, Serbian expatriate community, Dr. Alexis Troude, Professor of Geopolitics, University of St. Quentin, Versailles, and by Ms. Andjelka Simsic, Serbian Consul in Strasbourg.

Consul Simsic said that it was necessary to foster the culture of remembrance, pointing out the immeasurable losses of nations who died to preserve the civilizational values of mankind. She said that the Serbs suffered a demographic catastrophe from which Serbia had not recovered to this day. She thanked the French people for their assistance to Serbian people to survive the horrors of war, and for remembering Serbian and other victims of WWI, who must not be forgotten.


Professor Troude, as the author of the exhibition, explained how difficult it was for Serbs to wage this war, describing their strategic position and enormous courage and resolve to fight to the bitter end till victory and signing of Armistice.


The exhibition will be closed by showing the film of Sladjana Zaric "Serbia in the Great War" to student of Serbian Supplementary School.