Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Thursday, 20 September 2018. PDF Print E-mail
Canberra: Remembering the Serbian-Australian WWI alliance
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altOn 14-16 September, a series of events to commemorate the centenary of Armistice Day, the end of World War I, was hosted by the Serbian Embassy, in the Australian capital of Canberra.

The commemorative event at the Australian War Memorial held on 15 September was attended by 119 descendants of a total of 1,500 Australians and New Zealanders who served with the Serbian army on the Salonika Front. Serbian Ambassador Miroljub Petrovic addressed the event, noting that he was pleased with so many Australian nationals being in attendance. Senator Jim Molan read the message by the Minister for Veterans' Affairs, while Major General John Pearn spoke of Australians who had fought shoulder to shoulder with the Serbian soldiers in the Great War. Bishop Siluan of Australia and New Zealand also addressed the guests, as did the attending descendants of Australian soldiers.

The story of Australians and New Zealanders in Serbia who provided medical assistance to Serbian soldiers is told by Bojan Pajic in his book "Our Forgotten Volunteers - Australians and New Zealanders with Serbs in WWI", launched by Emeritus Professor David Horner AM at the Australian War Memorial.


The Lazarica Church choir opened the commemorative events with their rendition of Serbian and Australian national anthems. The event was hosted by the St. Lazarus Orthodox Church – Lazarica, with sponsorship of the Serbian Orthodox Church Metropolitanate of Australia and New Zealand and all Serb community organizations in Australia.


A day before the commemoration, a feature-length documentary by Milos Skundric "The Long Road to War" was screened at the Palace Electric Cinema in Canberra, analyzing the causes and preparations for World War I.