Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Tuesday, 18 September 2018. PDF Print E-mail
Belisce: Days of Serbian Culture held in the context of "The Golden Autumn in Belisce"
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altThe Days of Serbian Culture were held between 15 and 18 September 2018 in the context of a three-day event "The Golden Autumn in Belisce", at the proposal of the Embassy of Serbia in Croatia, and owing to the support of the Serbian Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government. The Croatian town of Belisce played host to representatives of the Bogatic Municipality, who introduced segments of culture peculiar to the Western Serbia and Macva regions through folk dances, paintings and gastronomy.

"The Golden Autumn in Belisce" started with the formal reception at the Belisce Town Hall, which included a speech by Serbian Consul General in Rijeka Goran Petrovic, who said that he was content that the Municipality of Bogatic would take part in the presentation of Serbian culture, recalling the foreign political priorities embraced by Serbia – membership of the European Union and good-neighbourly cooperation.

Mayor of the Bogatic Municipality Nenad Beserovac expressed his hope that the Bogatic-Belisce collaboration would not only remain limited to a three-day socializing event, but that there was room for cooperation in areas of economy, business and connectivity, either through sharing of experiences from Croatia's EU negotiations, or through the use of the EU funds earmarked for cross-border cooperation.


In the "Music Spanning Cultures" section of the programme, Serbia was introduced by the "Djido" dance company from Bogatic. The "Janko Veselinovic" amateur theatre from Bogatic performed a play titled "No Plain is Larger than Macva".

Municipalities and towns from Croatia, Macedonia and Montenegro also had their representatives. Cultural and artistic associations from 6 countries took part in the event, too.