Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Tuesday, 04 September 2018. PDF Print E-mail
Tokyo: Ancient Roman Culture in Serbia
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altA presentation of dishes served at the court of Roman Emperors was organized at the Serbian Embassy in Tokyo, on 4 September, at the initiative of the Japan – Serbia Society, in collaboration with the Society for the Promotion of Music Cooperation between Japan and Serbia. President of the Japan – Serbia Society Tadashi Nagai and Serbian Ambassador Nenad Glisic underlined that a significant number of Roman emperors was born in Serbia, recommending the guests to visit Roman archaeological sites of Viminacium and Gamzigrad when travelling to Serbia.

Japanese writer Masashi Endo, who published the book "Food of the Remote Past" last year, held a lecture "Ancient Roman Food", focusing particularly on the territory of today's Serbia and the area's impact on the ingredients used in the preparation of food in the late antique period.
To the tunes of music from the Roman Empire period, guests were served dishes cooked according to the recipes of Roman imperial court chefs, prepared by Masashi Endo.

The book entitled "Roman Emperors' Routes" (Itinerarium Romanum Serbiae) by a group of authors Miomir Korac, Snezana Golubovic and Nemanja Mrdjic, in English, was presented, billboards were displayed on the topic of the Roman Empire in Serbia and a tour - on the Roman Emperors' Routes, was offered for tourists.

Since a highly successful event with the same theme was organized by the Embassy last November, when the interest in participation exceeded the residence capacities, the event was repeated this year to enable members of the Japan – Serbia Society to become more knowledgeable of this part of Serbian history.