Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Thursday, 13 September 2018. PDF Print E-mail
Bern: Serbian Music Concert
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alt"Knjaz Milos" Choir and Orchestra of the Association "In the name of the living" held a concert of Serbian spiritual, traditional and folk music at the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Bern, marking the centenary of Armistice ending the First World War.

Opening the concert, hosted by the Embassy in cooperation with the Alliance of Serbian Folklore Associations of Switzerland, Ambassador Snezana Jankovic echoed the enormous losses sustained by Serbia in WWI.

"The demographic disaster brought on by the Great War, which took a toll of more than a third of its population, caused Serbia's suffering of long-term historical consequences, due to which the idea of freedom, justice and equality of all peoples has outweighed any other interest ever since. The Serbian Embassy in Switzerland organized the concert wishing to contribute to the marking of this grand anniversary, teaching the future generations a lesson about the need for safeguarding peace", said Ambassador Jankovic.


"Knjaz Milos" Choir and Orchestra performed major pieces of Serbian music in an hour of programme before an audience including representatives of the Swiss Parliament, diplomatic corps, church dignitaries and the Serbian diaspora.