Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Friday, 17 August 2018. PDF Print E-mail
Timișoara: Twenty-fifth anniversary of the “Days of Transfiguration”, a literary and spiritual event organized by the Serbs in Romania
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Timișoara 01The "Days of Transfiguration", a literary and spiritual event organized by the Serbs in Romania, was officially inaugurated at the Consulate General of the Republic of Serbia in Timișoara, on 17 August 2018. The event, which celebrates its 25th anniversary, aims to cultivate the Serbian language and to preserve the modern Serbian language in the diaspora.

The event was attended by His Grace Bishop Lukijan of Budim and Administrator of the Timişoara Eparchy, President of the Serb Association in Romania Mr. Ognjan Krstic, President of the Timişoara branch of the Writers' Union of Romania Mr. Cornel Ungureanu, President of the Association of Serbian Writers Mr. Radomir Antic, Honorary President of the Serb Association in Romania Mr. Slavomir Gvozdenovic, who is also the chief organizer of the event, and by Consul Ms. Irena Radojicic.

Mr. Matija Beckovic, Mr. Gojko Djogo, Mr. Aleksandar Cotric, as well as the clergy and representatives of the Serb Association in Romania, including prominent Serbs living in Romania, all took part in the event, in addition to other writers and poets from the diaspora and the region.

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This year too, the programme for 18 and 19 August included visits to several places populated by the Serbs in the Timiș County, the Danube Gorge and Poljadija, with the Baziaş Monastery as the central spot. According to the popular tradition, the Baziaş Monastery, one of the sources of Serbian spirituality, was founded eight centuries ago by Saint Sava. His Grace Bishop Lukijan of Budim and Administrator of the Timişoara Eparchy won this year's anniversary prize – "The Great Charter of Baziaş".

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On the occasion, the Consulate General hosted a press conference attended by Radio Timișoara with broadcasts in Serbian and Romanian, Agerpres news agency, Banatul Azi online daily, Banatul Meu, Ziua de West, Ofensiva Economico-Financiara and the publication of the Serb Association in Romania Nasa rec (Our Word).