Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Thursday, 26 July 2018. PDF Print E-mail
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altEmbassy of Serbia, Serbian Caucus and Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Eastern America on 25 July organized a reception in the Congress on the occasion of the 100th anniversary since President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed a Day of Prayer for Serbia and when the Serbian flag flew over the White House.

In addition to Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic and Prime Minister of Republika Srpska Zeljka Cvijanovic, the reception was attended by many guests from political and public life, U.S. Administration representatives, Congressional offices and Committees, diplomatic and military corps and Serbian community in the United States. Prime Minister Brnabic addressed the guests as well as Episcope Irinej of the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Eastern America, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Defense Laura Cooper, head of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Europe and Regional Security Cooperation Ron Johnson and Co-Chairman of the Serbian caucus Congressman Ted Poe. On that day, Episcope Irinej opened the session of the U.S. House of Representatives by a prayer.


U.S. President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed 28 July 1918 a Day of Prayer for Serbia and it was read in churches throughout the United States. On the same day, the Serbian flag was raised above the White House.


"It is fitting that the people of the United States, dedicated to the self-evident truth that is the right of the people of all nations, small as well as great, to live their own lives and choose their own government, and remembering that the principles for which Serbia has so nobly fought and suffered are those for which the United States is fighting, should on the occasion of this anniversary manifest in an appropriate manner their war sympathy with this oppressed people who have so heroically resisted the aims of the Germanic nations to master the world", President Wilson said.


"Medium", a portal of organization D.C. Embassy Events, which covers diplomatic events, carried an article on this reception in the U.S. Congress on the occasion of the Serbian flag that flew over the White House. It said that in the First World War, Serbia lost 60 per cent of its male population and quoted the words of President Wilson honoring the plight of the Serbian people.