Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Saturday, 14 July 2018. PDF Print E-mail
Moscow: Serbia's Ambassador Live on "Govorit Moskva"
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altAmbassador of the Republic of Serbia to the Russian Federation Slavenko Terzic appeared on "Smart Guys", a "Govorit Moskva" radio phone-in programme, where he answered live questions from the host and the listeners. The topics that featured in the show included the FIFA World Cup Russia, upcoming Serbian visit of Russia's President Putin, Serbia-Russia cooperation in different areas, Belgrade-Pristina negotiations, the current situation in Kosovo and Metohija and everyday life in Serbia.

Ambassador Terzic assessed that cooperation between Serbia and Russia was flourishing in all directions – political, economic, military, technical, cultural and scientific. He also underlined that Serbia was grateful to Russia for consistent support to its sovereignty. He said that there was room to intensify the development of economic relations, as well as cultural and scientific programmes, conferences, youth meetings and support to Russian language learning.