Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Wednesday, 04 July 2018. PDF Print E-mail
Brasilia: Serbia in the Brazilian media
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altThe Serbian Embassy used the opportunity presented by an interest in upcoming Brazil vs. Serbia football match at 2018 FIFA World Cup to bring Serbia closer to the Brazilian people and to affirm the friendly ties between the two peoples, which, as a result, generated considerable attention to Serbia in their media.

Television Globo aired an interview with Ambassador Veljko Lazic who talked about sporting, cultural and tourist events in Serbia. The relations between the two countries were described by him as excellent, and he also presented Serbia's position concerning the "Kosovo" UDI. He underlined that the ties existing between the two peoples were more than friendly. Special focus in the broadcast was placed on the national cuisine, with the Ambassador's wife addressing this topic.


Matches of Brazilian national team were in the spotlight, so whenever their game was on, all establishments except for a very few retail chains and catering facilities, were temporarily closed to enable everyone to enjoy watching the game. The Serbian Embassy made arrangements for Brazil-Serbia match to be watched at a restaurant owned by a Serbs, which exclusively served Serbian national dishes. As they followed the match, representatives of the Embassy, their friends from the diplomatic corps, Brazilian Foreign Ministry and the Serbian diaspora, were joined by reporters of media outlets such as Globo TV, Correio Braziliense, SBT, Record TV, Band TV, Agência Brasil and many more.


Coverage with appearances by Ambassador Lazic and others watching the game were aired before, during and after the match. Globo TV had a special feature on the game-watching together hosted by our Embassy, which was yet another opportunity to promote the Serbian cuisine.


Serbia-Brazil game was relayed by top 5 media in Brazil, with many TV crews and the press reporting on the event from the angle of our nationals living in Brazil.