Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Tuesday, 10 July 2018. PDF Print E-mail
Naples: Days of Serbian culture
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altSerbian jazz and classical music artists featured as performers at Naples' summer event on 7-8 July in the monumental gardens of Maschio Angioino castle, co-hosted by the Serbian Embassy and the municipal cultural and youth secretariats of the city of Naples.

Concerts by composer Jovan Maljokovic and his "Balkan Salsa Band" and cellist Dejan Mladjanenovic were reported about by Italian media outlets such as Agenzia Nova, Corriere del Mezzogiorno, Il Profumo della Dolce Vita, Il Corrierino, Il Terronian Magazine and others.

The performances of Serbian musicians were preceded by the rendition of the fanfare band of the 10th Carabinieri Regiment "Campania", who played national anthems of Serbia and Italy, and the Anthem of Europe.