Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Wednesday, 27 June 2018. PDF Print E-mail
New Delhi: Serbia presented to young Indian leaders
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altAmbassador of Serbia to India Vladimir Maric held a video presentation entitled "India and Serbia, Youth Dialogue" for a group of Indian entrepreneurs, representatives of non-governmental organizations and students. He presented Serbia as a business and tourist destination. The presentation was held at the Embassy of Serbia in cooperation with the Indian Confederation of Young Leaders.

Ambassador Maric spoke about the priorities of the Government of Serbia and the relations between Serbia and India, calling on young leaders to take advantage of the visa free regime for the citizens of India and to see for themselves all the qualities of our country, still relatively unknown to the people in the region.


The attendees showed interest in the conditions offered by our country concerning the development of entrepreneurship as well as the participation of women in this area of activity, possible participation of Serbian businessmen in the "Make in India" initiative launched by the Government of India, the importance of the sporting successes of the country as a soft power tool as well as in the current biggest challenges faced by the Government of Serbia including the Kosovo issue.

The dialogue was also participated in by Embassy staff members Dusan Vukic and Danijela Matijas, who shared with the attendees their work experiences at both the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the diplomatic and consular missions. They answered the questions about the challenges that junior Serbian diplomats face in their everyday work.

The presentation in electronic form was distributed to the attendees. With a view to contributing to the strengthening of contacts between the youth of Serbia and India, it has been agreed that the communication between representatives of young leaders of the two countries be organized via video link in the future.