Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Tuesday, 03 July 2018. PDF Print E-mail
Paderborn: Serbia as a guest country at the International Festival of Encounters
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altAn event „Serbian night" officially opened on 29 June, in the Schlosshalle of the Paderborn castle, as an introduction to the International Festival of Encounters and organized by the Society of Serbo-German friendship "Nikola Tesla". International encounters are held every year in Paderborn, and this year Serbia was the guest country.

Richard Erb, a friend of the Society of Serbo-German friendship "Nikola Tesla", prepared a brief overview of Serbian history, information regarding the language, culture and customs, presenting them in a witty and interesting manner. He also talked about the number of Serbs in Germany and their position, as well as about mutual economic relations between Serbia and Germany.


Presentation of Serbia featured performances of dances from Kosovo, Dragačevo and Radujevac regions, done by the members of folk sing-and-dance company from Solingen. Videos exemplifying Serbia's scenic beauties and touristic offer were also shown. Children attending classes in Serbian performed songs Tamo daleko, Oro and Đurđevdan and recited the poem Domovina. Goran Avramović performed the songs called Ovo je Srbija and Pukni zoro.

Guests were welcomed by Branislava Perin Jarić, consul general of Serbia in Nordrhein-Westfallen; Martin Pantke, deputy mayor of Paderborn; Ljiljana Umiljenović, president of the Society of Serbo-German friendship "Nikola Tesla" and by Recep Alpan, president of the Integration Council. As a part of the event, Consul Perin Jarić gave a short interview for the VDR, German state television station.