Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Thursday, 03 May 2018. PDF Print E-mail
Bern: Serbian authors at the literary evening with their Swiss publishers
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altThe literary evening, attended by the Swiss publishers "Il Verlag" and six authors from Switzerland the works of whom were published in German by the same publishers, was held at the Embassy of Serbia in Bern, on 26 April.

Ambassador of Serbia Snezana Jankovic underlined that the "Il-Verlag" publishing firm has been publishing the works of Serbian authors for several years now, on a regular basis, which makes it an exception in Switzerland. She emphasized that this form of cooperation is very important and represents strong support to the Serbian diaspora in Switzerland.

Writers Miodrag Lukic, Danijela Golijanin, Jasna Milanovic, Mileta Simic, Evelina Kumer and Dana Tovic presented their works, and Mr. Fritz Frey, the owner of "Il-Verlag" publishers addressed the audience.


He pointed out that the motivation for cooperation was the lack of true information about Serbia in the Swiss public and that he wanted to conjure up to readers, through the works of our writers, the true image of culture and the mentality. Mr. Frey underlined that his publishing house nurtures diversity and by publishing the works of Serbian authors it is trying to oppose fashionable trends and the mainstream literature.