Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Sunday, 29 April 2018. PDF Print E-mail
Tokyo: Children as junior ambassadors
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altPromotion of Serbia, entitled "Junior Ambassadors", for children 5 to 12 years of age and their parents was held at the Serbian Embassy in Japan, on 22 April, with the assistance of and in cooperation with the International Women's Club of Japan.

The children made their presentations on Serbia and its culture, sports, national flag and other topics they selected themselves and prepared in advance. Also, an Embassy staff member, Ms. Tijana Nagato, wearing the national costume of central Serbia, made her presentation of Serbia to children in Japanese.


The International Women's Club of Japan organized a similar event at more than 20 other embassies in Tokyo and this was the first time that the Serbian Embassy took part.


Thanks to the Club chairperson, Ms. Makiko Takemura, during the month of March, the "Tenjin" restaurant offered Serbian menu.