Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Monday, 30 April 2018. PDF Print E-mail
Chicago: “The Second Encounter” documentary screened at the Consulate General premises
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alt"The Second Encounter" documentary was screened on the premises of the Consulate General of Serbia in Chicago to the Serbian and American audiences. It is a movie directed by Zeljko Markovic depicting the encounter of the U.S. pilot who flew the F117A downed over Serbia during the NATO bombing campaign, with the then Yugoslav Army officer. The movie was awarded in the United States and at several international festivals. It was also screened at UN Headquarters and in U.S. Congress.

Following the screening, Charge d' Affaires of the Consulate General in Chicago Dejan Radulovic introduced the guest and director of the movie Zeljko Markovic who spoke about the film and then answered the questions of the audience.

The audience included reputable individuals such as Nikola Moravcevic, lecturer and writer of history novels, Vladimir Kulenovic, Conductor, Ray Frick, President of the Board of Lake Forest Symphony Orchestra.