Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Tuesday, 17 April 2018. PDF Print E-mail
Brasilia: Serbian Embassy welcomes students and representatives of the Federal District government
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altThe Serbian Embassy in Brasilia took part in the Federal District's "Embassy Open Doors" project and, on 5 April, hosted 35 students, ages 9-11, who attend the Vargem Bonita elementary on the outskirts of Brasilia. The Embassy also welcomed the school's teachers, representatives of the Federal District government – Secretariat for International Cooperation and Education, and also the FD First Lady Márcia Rollemberg.

Ambassador Veljko Lazic held a presentation on Serbia, introducing to the attendees our country's cultural heritage, key historical events and figures, customs, religion and current sports developments. A screening was held of the promotional film by the Tourism Organization of Serbia, followed by a mini Q&A quiz when the students, having shown their knowledge of Serbia, received symbolic awards originating from our part of the world. Particular attention was grabbed by our script, and the guests were given badges with their names written in Cyrillic alphabet. The Ambassador's spouse offered specialties of national cuisine. Furthermore, the guests were able to relax playing a variant of dodgeball ("between two fires"), a ball game typical for both Serbia and Brazil.

The aim of the "Embassy Open Doors" project is to enable the youngest, most impoverished FD citizens to get acquainted with the culture, customs and historical heritage of countries from the world at large, but also with the work of diplomatic missions accredited in Brasilia. Not only that the project contributes to young people's knowledge of other countries unique features, but also further deepens bilateral cooperation between countries.


The first lady of the Federal District, Ms. Márcia Rollemberg, emphasized that the materials about Serbia distributed on this occasion would be included in the special library being established by the FD to enable its citizens to become familiar with the cultural and historical heritage of countries accredited in Brasilia. She added that the FD remained open to promoting cultural and historical content of all countries, underlining that the recent exhibition "Ivo Andric: a Writer and/or a Diplomat" was the best attended display in the exhibition space of the FD government so far.


The event was reported on by media outlets such as DF and Brasilia agencies as well as Embassy Brasilia portal, while these reports were further relayed by the local electronic media.