Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Wednesday, 04 April 2018. PDF Print E-mail
Ottawa: Ambassador gave a lecture on the modern Serbian Civil Code from 19th century
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altAmbassador of Serbia to Canada Mihailo Papazoglu gave a lecture on the "History of the Serbian Civil Code of 1844", to graduating students of the Law School of the University of Ottawa.

Despite the fact that in the mid-19th century Serbia was a state of only a million people, it was the third in Europe, after France and Austria, which established a modern legal system.

"The Serbian Civil Code was the third modern Code adopted after akin acts in France and Austria (1804 and 1811, respectively), relying on Zakonopravilo (The Nomocanon) from 1299, passed only 4 years following the famous English "Magna Carta Libertatum", and " Dusan's Code in 1349", Ambassador Papazoglu said.