Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Friday, 30 March 2018. PDF Print E-mail
Rome: Cooperation between the civil sectors of Serbia and Italy presented
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altThe project of the Local Development Committee for the River Drina, concerning Bajina Basta and Srebrenica, was presented at a press conference at the Embassy of Serbia in Rome, on 26 March. Civil society organizations of Serbia and Italy, FOSDI and "Amesi", will take part in the project for the first time.

Ten young Italians will participate in the voluntary activities of the project that contribute to the sustainable development in Bajina Basta and Srebrenica. FOSDI organization will support their field work in Serbia.

State Secretary of the Italian Ministry of Labour Luigi Bobba, Minister Counsellor of the Embassy of Serbia in Rome Tatjana Garcevic, lawyer Marcello Lala and representatives of the FOSDI and "Amesi" organizations talked about the project.


Conference attendants pointed out that one of the goals was that young people from Serbia and Italy should get to know better the cultures of the two countries which was important for the future cooperation between the civil sectors of Serbia and Italy.