Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Thursday, 29 March 2018. PDF Print E-mail
Buenos Aires: A film cycle by Serbian film director Zelimir Zilnik
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altA series of films "Without reconciliation: films by Zelimir Zilnik" will be shown in Buenos Aires, at the most prestigious "Leopoldo Lugones" movie theatre, within the "San Martin" culture and theatre complex, from 21 March – 8 April 2018.

The retrospective was organized by Argentine Film Archive Foundation and the City of Buenos Aires Theatre Complex, in cooperation with "Mar del Plate" International Film Festival and the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Buenos Aires.

A total of twenty-one movies filmed from 1967-2015 was shown, including "Kako se kalio čelik" (How a Character was Forged", "Tito po drugi put medju Srbima" ("Tito Second Time Around among the Serbs"), "Destination Serbistan (Serbia in Turkish)", etc.