Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Monday, 19 March 2018. PDF Print E-mail
Tokyo: Presentation of Serbia within the “Friends of the World” project
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altIn the context of a project "Friends of the World", Jelena Nikolic and Chihaya Oyaizu from the Embassy of Serbia in Japan visited Shinozaki 2 Elementary School in Tokyo, on 14 March 2018, where the pupils learned about the history of Serbia in the 20th century. The project is carried out by the Committee on Education of the City of Tokyo, in the context of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games, while Shinozaki 2 School is tasked with working together with Serbia, Greece and Palestine.

According to the School's plan, its pupils are supposed to learn as much as possible about the said countries prior to the next Olympics, as well as to keep abreast of their sports activities, and to support athletes upon their arrival to Tokyo. Ever since 2016, the school has maintained cooperation with the Serbian Embassy and has been organizing various activities aimed at presenting Serbia, while the sixth-graders visited the Embassy in early 2017.


The history of Serbia in the 20th century, with emphasis on massive victims and sufferings of the Serbian people during the wars and conflicts in that period, was introduced to fifth- and sixth-grades in a presentation called "Let's Think about Peace". TV footages of the 1999 NATO bombing campaign against Serbia were shown to the pupils, while the importance of peace and stability for the development of both the economy and society, and for the future of a nation, was underlined. The topic was chosen by the School's management, desirous of familiarizing the pupils with the history of Serbia to the greatest possible extent.


School's Head Teacher Hajime Shinohara and his Deputy Tenpei Sasahara thanked the Embassy of Serbia for their assistance in organizing the presentation, proposing future cooperation. Different ideas were being examined, including organization of a Serbian dishes preparation workshop and visits by Serbian athletes and coaches working in Japan.