Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Friday, 09 March 2018. PDF Print E-mail
Minsk: Presentation of Serbia at Book Fair
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altAt the 25th International Book Fair held in Minsk, which included Serbia as an honorary guest, Ambassador Veljko Kovacevic gave several interviews in which he spoke about the Serbia-Belarus cultural cooperation. Speaking for the show "Panorama", broadcast on Belarus 1 channel of the National State Television and Radio Company, Minsk TV, the Russian-Belarusian BelRos TV, as well as for the special edition of "Literature and Art" magazine, the Ambassador underlined that the development of cultural cooperation between the two countries contributed to bringing their peoples closer together and promoted the traditionally friendly and brotherly relations between our states.

Both print and electronic media had reports about Serbia's guest spot at the Book Fair as well as the visit by the State Secretary of the Ministry of Culture and Media Aleksandar Gajovic, most notably the state news agency Belta and newspaper Belarus Today. The media outlets relayed that Serbia's display was presented by the National Library, and also that throughout the Fair presentations were held of the anthology of contemporary Serbian poetry published in Belarus, books "The Red Flowers of Kosovo Polje ("Crveni Cvetovi Kosova Polja") by Nevena Vitosevic Djeklic, "Belarusians about Serbia and Yugoslavia", Russian translations of Saint Sava's Studenica Typicon and The Life of Saint Simeon, selected works of Belarusian poetry published in Serbian magazine "Povelja" as well as issues of Belarusian magazines Youth, Polimya, Neman and Literature and Art devoted to Serbian literature.