Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Saturday, 03 March 2018. PDF Print E-mail
Pretoria: The Diplomatic Society reports about the marking of the Serbian Statehood Day
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altThe Diplomatic Society monthly published an article about the marking of the Serbian Statehood Day which took place at the Residence of Ambassador Bozin Nikolic.

The article quoted from the address delivered by the Ambassador concerning the importance Serbia attached to its relations with the Republic of South Africa in various areas, as well as the remarks by Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry Bulelani Magwanishe about the two countries' cooperation in the fields of defence, trade, energy, arts and culture and sports.

Agricultural cooperation between AP Vojvodina and the Limpopo province was underlined in particular as was the offer provided by the Serbian Government for scholarships to South African students.

The article also cited statistics on imports to RSA from Serbia which reached 103 million rand in 2016.