Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Tuesday, 06 March 2018. PDF Print E-mail
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altCultural programme of the Fund for Social and Democratic Initiatives (FOSDI) "Let me be myself", organized with the support of the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Italy and funded by the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was performed on 1 March at Domus Romana Hotel in Rome.

The event, opened by Ambassador of Serbia Goran Aleksic, also featured a photographic exhibition of Gradac Monastery and a documentary "Aristophanes of Dnopolj" depicting the lives of women trying to rebuild their former lives in Serbian villages in Croatia following the wars of the 1990s when they became refugees.


Professor Svetlana Tomin gave a lecture with a video slideshow on mediaeval ruler Hélèn d'Anjou and first girls' school in Gradac Monastery. Katarina Pejak, a young artist who earned a degree in musical composition from Berkeley University in the USA, held a miniature concert.


Before the performance, local Italian Radio Colours broadcast a programme presenting all segments from the event, including Serbian music. Some parts of the programme were streamed live via Facebook group "Serbs in Rome".