Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Friday, 23 February 2018. PDF Print E-mail
Sydney: Serbia’s flag flown at Bayside Council
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altThe Serbian flag was hoisted traditionally for the tenth time, at Sydney's Bayside Council (Rockdale), on 13 February 2018, on the occasion of Statehood Day of the Republic of Serbia.

To the tunes of the Serbian national anthem, the flag flying ceremony was jointly performed by Serbian Consul General in Sydney Branko Radosevic, Bayside Mayor Bill Saravinovski and President of "Sretenje" Association Miodrag Pesic.

Serbian Consul General in Sydney Branko Radosevic thanked the hosts for their support, adding that he was proud to see the Serbian flag flown in front of the Council, honouring the Statehood Day of his country. The Consul General underlined his appreciation of the values of Australian multiculturalism.
The gathered citizens including the Serbian diaspora, Serbian Orthodox Church clergy, representatives of New South Wales Parliament and local communities, were addressed by Bayside Mayor Bill Saravinovski, who emphasized that 48% of the community members were born abroad and that upon their arrival in Australia they did not forget their roots, culture and tradition.

On behalf of the organizers, the gathering was addressed by the President of the "Sretenje" Association of the Serbian-Australian Community, Miodrag Pesic. Representatives of the Consulate General and heads of the Bayside Council exchanged messages of gratitude for years-long cooperation and support in marking the Statehood Day. The Consul General presented Gratitude Certificates to representatives of the Parliament of New South Wales, "Lazarica" Culture and Arts Society, and President of the "Saint Sava" Serbian Cultural Club.


The ceremony was enhanced by the performance of the Folk Dance Group of the "Knez Lazar" Church in Sydney and the cocktail reception serving Serbian specialties, organized by "St. Sava" Serbian Cultural Club.