Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Tuesday, 17 October 2017. PDF Print E-mail
Cairo: Egyptian Council for Sustainable Development commends cooperation with Serbia
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Cairo_17102017The Egyptian Council for Sustainable Development presented a report on the visit of their business delegation to Serbia at a meeting attended by Mr. Tareq el Molla, Minister of Industry and Trade. The report was presented with the support of the Embassy of Serbia on 16 October in Cairo.

The President of the Council Motaz Raslan indicated that Serbia was a country with major potentials for economic cooperation and that he expected further strengthening of economic cooperation between the two countries in the forthcoming period.

"Serbia is one of the countries that all along supported the Egyptian "Road Map" adopted in 2014. Our two countries have a long history of friendly relations. Serbian tourists regularly visit Egyptian resorts and Serbia has never imposed any restrictions on their travel to Egypt", Raslan said.

A catalogue with the report in English was distributed to Egyptian ministries and other institutions as well as to diplomatic and consular missions. Special gratitude was expressed to the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, which hosted the Egyptian delegation.