Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Wednesday, 18 October 2017. PDF Print E-mail
Bern: Concert of choir and band “Knjaz Miloš”
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Concert_BernConcert "An evening of Serbian Music: Europe in Serbia" by choir and band "Knjaz Miloš" from Belgrade was held on 16 September in St. Cyril and Methodius Church in Bern,  organized by association "On behalf of the Living" with the support of the Embassy of Serbia in Bern, Serbian Orthodox Church and the Cultural and Art Association "Kikac" from Basel.

Around one hundred guests, members of Serbian diaspora and diplomatic corps enjoyed in the works of Serbian composers as well as in the traditional music from Serbia and the region.

In her introduction Ambassador Snežana Janković said that the preservation of identity, culture, tradition and language of our compatriots abroad represented a priority of the Republic of Serbia while the mission of the association "On behalf of the Living" and choir "Knjaz Miloš" made a noble contribution to this common goal.