Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Wednesday, 20 September 2017. PDF Print E-mail
Visegrad: A Certificate of Appreciation awarded to the Consulate of Serbia
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Slava Visegrad_20092017__1A Certificate of Appreciation was awarded to the Consulate General of the Republic of Serbia in Banja Luka for its selfless assistance and cooperation at a reception celebrating Mala Gospojina, the patron saint of the Visegrad municipality, at the Cultural Centre in Visegrad, on 20 September.

The decision to award the Certificate was made by the Municipal Assembly of Visegrad for the overall contribution by this diplomatic/consular representation of the Republic of Serbia in Banja Luka to the people of Visegrad, as well as during the successful implementation of the project of restoration of St. George's Memorial Chapel and Ossuary in Vardiste near Visegrad.

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Receiving the Certificate of Appreciation, Consul General Vladimir Nikolic stated that Serbia's commitment to the Republic of Srpska was demonstrated not only in words but also by a number of specific deeds. The restoration of the Memorial Chapel in Vardiste is only an example.

Chief Official of the Visegrad Municipality, Mr. Mladen Djurdjevic, thanked the Consul General for the high level of cooperation and particularly for the support in seeking a solution aimed at activating the narrow-gauge railway and connecting it to the Shargan Eight railway, which will improve tourism opportunities in Podrinje.