Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Saturday, 02 September 2017. PDF Print E-mail
Segedin: Serbia-Hungary Tourism Forum convened
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segedin 01092017_2Serbia-Hungary Business/Tourism Forum and Business to Business (B2B) meetings were held in Szeged, on 1 September 2017, organized by the Vojvodina Chamber of Commerce and the Csongrad County Chamber of Commerce and Industry, with the support of the Serbian Embassy in Budapest. The Forum was aimed at presentation of tourism and other potentials of Vojvodina, and establishment of ties between its businesses and those of Csongrad.

Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to Hungary Rade Drobac announced that Serbian-Hungarian Business/Tourism Forum would be held within the framework of "Vojvodina Days in Budapest", from 15-16 September 2017, at the Serbian Embassy in Budapest.

"Although the political relations between Serbia and Hungary are very good, and economic and trade cooperation have been on a continuous rise, there is room for improvement in the tourism area. Since Hungarian holidaymakers are not informed well enough about Serbia's tourism potentials, convening of tourism forums is highly important to promote Serbian tourism", underlined Ambassador Drobac.

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Pal Nemesi, President of the Chamber of Commerce of Csongrad County, highlighted the Chamber's traditionally good cooperation with the chambers of commerce in Vojvodina, adding that an agreement was signed last May, to the effect of strengthening cooperation in this field.

Laszlo Solymos, Vice Mayor of Szeged, stressed that Szeged attached great importance to tourist cooperation with the AP of Vojvodina, since the highest percentage of tourist visits to Szeged come from Serbia.

Bojana Miljus, Deputy Secretary General of the Vojvodina Chamber of Commerce, drew attention to the fact that close proximity, economic complementarity of the two countries, transport links, and activities of the respective chambers of commerce had an impact on the traditionally good business cooperation between Serbia, AP Vojvonina in particular, on the one hand, and Hungary, on the other.

In the context of the trade/tourism forum, "Pumpkin Days" event was organized by the city of Kikinda.
Tags: Hungary