Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Tuesday, 13 December 2016. PDF Print E-mail
London: Screening of documentary “Serbs in the Island of Corfu – 100 Years since the Albanian Golgotha”
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The Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in London hosted a film screening event for the documentary "Serbs in Corfu – 100 Years of Albanian Golgotha". Afterwards, the film's author, Sladjana Zaric, discussed the making of the film and her future plans for a new documentary on British Admiral Ernest Troubridge. Addressing the audience, Ms. Zaric took the opportunity to express gratitude to all those that made this film possible, especially to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia and diplomatic and consular missions that extended logistical support since the film, in addition to Serbia, was shot on location in six other countries.

Furthermore, she gifted copies of the film to the leading representatives of Serbian diaspora associations in London, T. Finn from the Foreign Office's History Department, as well as students of the University College London (UCL) and the University of London (UOL).