Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Monday, 05 December 2016. PDF Print E-mail
Cairo: Presentation of gift by President of the Republic of Serbia Tomislav Nikolic to His Holiness Tawadros II, Pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria
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aktivnosti kairo_5122016Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia in Egypt, Mr. Dragan Bisenic presented on Monday, 5 December, a gift by President of the Republic of Serbia Mr. Tomislav Nikolic to His Holiness Tawadros II, the Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of Saint Mark, on the premises of the Patriarchate in Cairo. President of the Republic of Serbia Mr. Tomislav Nikolic gifted the phototypical edition of "The Code of Dusan" and a monograph about the Christian heritage in Kosovo and Metohija.

On the occasion of the gift presentation, the Ambassador conveyed the greetings of the President of Serbia and took the opportunity to acquaint the Pope of Alexandria with the current situation in the southern Serbian Province. His Holiness Tawadros II conveyed his gratitude to President Nikolic for the gift, showing his interest in the monasteries and cultural heritage of the Serbian people in the Province, and for the destiny of the remaining Serbian population in the Province.
Tags: Egypt