Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Sunday, 20 November 2016. PDF Print E-mail
Rome: Concert of contemporary classical music by Pokret Trio, Rome, 20 November 2016
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Koncert trio_Pokret_br._002._jpgOn 20 November 2016, in Rome, Pokret Trio (Madlen Stokic Vasiljevic – violin, Milos Nikolic – clarinet and Maja Mihic – piano) had a concert of contemporary classical music titled "Retrospectives". The event was hosted by Rome's Clivis Music Academy at one of its most prestigious concert halls and co-organized by Serbian Music Authors' Organization (SOKOJ), under the sponsorship of the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Rome.

The event was formally inaugurated by Head of the Academy Michela Senzacqua and Aleksandra Radic, project coordinator. On behalf of the Embassy, in her capacity as Charge d'Affaires, Minister Counselor Tatjana Garcevic addressed the audience.

Representatives of the diplomatic corps, the Serbian diaspora as well as numerous representatives of Rome's cultural and public life had the opportunity to enjoy the performance of pieces composed by contemporary Serbian authors.

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Tags: Italy