Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Monday, 14 October 2013. PDF Print E-mail
Scholarships of the national program “For Women in Science” granted
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zene-u-nauciFor the third time in a row, Serbian national scholarships have been awarded within the international program "For Women in Science". Three Serbian scientists - Diana Mosic, Katarina Zeljic and Miljana Tanic have been rewarded with EUR 5,000 each for their outstanding scientific research work in the field of natural sciences. The beginning of a new cycle of the scholarship program was announced and, therefore, young women engaged in scientific work and research will be able to apply once again, from 15 October to 15 December, for scholarships that are awarded each year in our country.

This year's winners have been awarded for research projects in mathematics, molecular genetics and oncology, and scholarships have been granted as an incentive to them to improve their research work and continue to engage in science in Serbia.

The competition for these scholarships is open to young women doing research work in natural sciences if they are under 35 years of age and attending doctoral studies or have already completed doctoral studies. Detailed information on how to apply, including application forms and general competition rules, can be found on the Internet at

Project of National "For Women in Science" Scholarships was launched in Serbia in 2010, in partnership between the National Commission for UNESCO, L' Oreal and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development. Since then, three scholarships are awarded every year to talented and promising young women researchers in Serbia, with the aim of their further scientific and professional advancement.

The program "For Women in Science", which is aimed at promoting and encouraging women to contribute to the progress of science the world over, is being implemented in the framework of international partnership of L'Oréal and UNESCO, celebrating this year 15 years of existence. Since its establishment in 1998 until now, 1729 women from more than 100 countries have been supported through it, women whose researches in various fields represent significant scientific achievements.