Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Saturday, 21 September 2013. PDF Print E-mail
Participation of Serbian artists at the Abstract Art Gallery in Paris
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apstraktna-umetnost"New Realities", the 67th Art Gallery exhibition, was opened in Paris on 21 September 2013, displaying paintings, drawings, photographs and sculptures of more than four hundred artists, where the guests of honour were artists from Serbia, China and the United States.

Serbia was represented by Mira Brtka, Goran Cpajak, Jelena Jocic, Ana Knezevic, Branka Kuzmanovic, Miodrag Mladjovic and Sasa Pancic, and within the regular Gallery programme works were displayed also by Milija Belic, Jarmila Vesovic, Mirko Lovric and Mile Saula.. The exhibition will be open until 29 September, and according to the organizers, over ten thousand visitors are expected.

In his address at the opening ceremony, Ambassador R. Ristic thanked the organizers for inviting the artists from Serbia, underlining that this event was open to the Serbian artists also in the previous decades. He also expressed his satisfaction that this year Belgrade hosted French artists at the Abstract Art Gallery exhibition "New Realities", at the "Cvijeta Zuzoric" Pavilion.
Tags: France