Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Thursday, 05 September 2013. PDF Print E-mail
Historical Museum stages exhibition at Serbian Consulate General in Sydney
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Plakat-Dani-srpske-kulture-u-AustralijiThe exhibition of the Historical Museum "All Serbian Voivodas and Serbian Arms - Serbia during the First Serbian Uprising," which displays exhibits dating back to the times of Serbian rebels, was officially opened on 5 September at the Consulate General in Sydney.

This unique cultural project in Australia, which was put together in cooperation with the organizer of the "U-neXt" company from Sydney, Mr. Zeljko Gojkovic, the Historical Museum and the Serbian diaspora organization, and sponsored by the Consulate General of the Republic of Serbia - Sydney, has provoked the interest of our diaspora, primarily the Serbian language school students who attend classes at weekends at the church-school municipalities and of their teachers and parents.

In a relatively short period of seven days, while it was on display at the Consulate, the exhibition was open to public everyday, including weekends, when visits were organized for students of Serbian and Greek schools.

The Director of the Historical Museum, Miroslav Zivkovic, gave a history lesson to all. He is one of the guests of the Serbian Cultural Days event and announced that he would remain committed to making this event come to life and become a tradition in Australia, in order to bring a part of cultural programmes from the mother country closer to our nationals and their children living on the fifth continent.

The exhibition will move to Melbourne on 12 September, where it will be displayed in the framework of the Serbian Cultural Days in Australia in "Serbian Voice" Gallery.