Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press service Activities
Thursday, 11 July 2013. PDF Print E-mail
Information on the amendment to the Article 20 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
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The Republic of Serbia has made another step within the procedure for acceptance of the amendment to the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women: Committee for Human and Minority Rights and Gender Equality of the National Assembly of R. Serbia adopted, on 11 July 2013, the draft Law on ratification of the amendment to the Article 20, paragraph 1, of the Convention and decided to propose to the NA to accept the said draft Law.
R. Serbia has been a State Party to this Convention since 2001.
The amendment provides for the possibility of adopting a decision on longer duration, than at present, of the sessions of the Committee of Experts (CEDAW) tasked to monitor the implementation of the obligations under the Convention.
In order for the amendment to enter into force it is necessary that it be accepted by two thirds of all States Parties, which numbered 187 on 11 July; the number of states which accepted the amendment as of 11 July 2013 was 63.