Ministry of Foreign Affairs News
Sunday, 03 May 2015. PDF Print E-mail
OSCE CiO Dačić condemns ceasefire violations in eastern Ukraine, appeals for boost to political process
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1032015 dacic_osceOSCE Chairperson-in-Office and Serbia's Foreign Minister Ivica Dačić today condemned violations of the cease-fire along the line of contact in eastern Ukraine during the last few days, and expressed in particular serious concern over the use of proscribed heavy weapons as well as the increased fighting in and around Donetsk and Shyrokyne. He once again reiterated the call, supported in Belgrade last week by the ministerial OSCE Troika, to all sides to fully and unconditionally respect the cease-fire, end all hostilities and implement all provisions from the Minsk Agreements, including the withdrawal of heavy weapons. "At this moment, it is essential for the political process to gain momentum, and I call all sides to invest all possible efforts towards that end," said Dačić

The OSCE Chairperson-in-Office reiterated his full support for the activities of the Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM). He also stressed the importance of the safety and security of the SMM monitors and referred to several incidents over the May 1-2 period which placed them in potentially dangerous situations in eastern Ukraine. Dačić said: "The decision to dispatch an observer mission to Ukraine was unanimously supported by all 57 participating States. SMM monitors must be allowed unfettered access, with safety guarantees and with no interruption to their crucial work."

Photo by:OSCE/Micky Kroell